Sunday 2 December 2018

Secondary Poster Research

Initially, I decided to look into Carlsberg's campaign posters and general can designs that are already out there to gather the information to create a campaign of a similar vibe to theirs. I found that they use the green of their cans throughout all to kkeepthe brand representation strong as shown below :

Then I decided to look into campaign posters that are out there already that relate to the environmental safety and Bacardi as they were suggested to me to look at in a crit I had at an earlier time. I found from this that a lot of posters that are related to sustainability are trying to portray a strong message. They also use clever notations that could be a play on words or a short memorable sentence that portrays a message. For my poster I believe this will be a necessity for me.

For my project I need to get the balance between the two, showing off Snap Pack and suggesting to the consumer to recycle in a strong manner whilst keeping the elegance and brand identity of Carlsberg. 

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