Sunday 16 December 2018

Final 4 chosen and crit

After my other crit from all my can designs I decided to refer back to my designs and chose 4 that I thought had potential for the brand idea then referred further to my peers to gain knowledge on what was the best design to take forward and use for my poster design. Everyone in my peer focus group chose the first (top left) design as I explained to them that the new look, by Taxi Studio, uses a refined hop leaf to bring together the portfolio and help consumers better navigate the range as Carlsberg sets its sights on the premium market. From this they deducted that this would be the best design to use for the poster launch campaign as it is professional and slick whilst conveying the message subtly about the recycling that they need to do. This is shown through the can design and the text on the information section of the design. 

The design of the can shows a clear brand identity, using aspects that Carlsberg have already used in their designs. Not only this but the pattern is also something they have used in previous limited edition cans as shown in previous research. My favourite aspect of these designs is the subtlety of the sustainability aspect. As you do not really notice it unless you can get up close with the can. Thus showing that it would not change their audience because of the design as it looks similar to other designs however they could increase their number of consumers purchasing them due to the sustainability aspect of it. 

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