Tuesday 18 December 2018

Project statement

Throughout this project the discussion of sustainable responsibility when examining packaging remains an issue that is complicated by the relationships between the consumer, company and designer. To produce a sustainable package that is completely fair each stage of the chain needs to accept that they have an equal role to play when discussing responsibility. Research looked at; sustainability in the packaging industry, relationship s and responsibility, the whole life cycle of a product and perceptions of packaging.

The extensive theoretical research for the extended essay informed the practical outcome for this brief. Carlsberg was one of my main case studies which I looked into. It was one of the better solutions for sustainable packaging.

In depth research that was done throughout this brief informed every deign decision that was completed in order to form the outcome. To produce a sustainable package where responsibility is fairly shared responsibility needs to be accepted. In relation to the practical, the company has already accepted their responsibility, this brief is aimed at getting the consumers to accept their responsibility for sustainable packaging, which comes at the end of the brief.

One downfall for this brief was I spent more time on the essay rather than the practical which in turn lent I didn’t have as much time as I would have hoped.

The final outcome for this brief has gone hand in hand with the extended essay, as Europen’s request for packaging carrying out the functions in the most sustainable way possible has been met through reducing plastic and having a purely digital campaign thus reducing the paper waste and other resources that may not be replenished.

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