Monday 26 November 2018


The plastics conspiracy: who is to blame for the waste crisis?– PODCAST

50 years ago was when we first realised the scale of plastic production and the impact that had on the environment. When ad campaigns first arose some environmental groups starting to question the message, saying that the campaigns were wrongly accusing the consumer rather than the manufacturers that were churning out the plastic. They said it was an industry front working to divert attention from the real issues. – 2 relationship

People started pollution so people can stop it

Stephen Buranyi –
-       Prior to 1950 reusable packaging had a 96% return rate, 1970 5% showing a massive cultural shift, throw away culture 3
-       Parliament plastic has been brought up 271 times, 4x more than last year.  2 - responsibility

Matthew Taylor –
-       At the same time as the plastic problem we have this whole industry increasing plastic production, it will increase the plastic pollution over next decade by 40%, pretty drastic amount of plastic.
-       In 80’s industries were putting responsibility on consumer much like the same today – 2 relationship
-       Recycling and reusing - the circular economy, reusing the stuff we have is the future. We need to find a way to use plastic in a sensible and sustainable way – 3 reduce
-       As a consumer we need to work out a way of not being so dependant on the core of the problem, with the local community ask you politicians if they can change the way we use – be active to meet the challenge that we are facing – all about collective action (protesting) – 2 relationship

Steve Russell –
-       Industry has targets for reducing plastic waste by ‘designing new products and materials, developing innovative technologies and implementing new business models’

George Monbiot –
-       Its’ only when you show you put your liberty on the line that other people will take the issue seriously
-       Most forms of protest remain within the law but not sure if it is appropriate anymore as the government aren’t looking after us
-       What we are facing at the moment is a complete institutional failure to respond to the crisis at hand, environmental break down driven by corporate capitalist model which is not suited to the preservation of the worlds living systems – 1 talk about crisis first

-       Facing this huge crisis and we are only seeing ourselves as fundamentally powerless and as consumers which is a mind-set we need to break and respond in a way that matches the crisis which is a highly political response – 1 then leads on to 2 responsibility, to understand whos responsible we first need to address the realtionships

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