Sunday 25 November 2018

Crit on Initial Ideas

I decided to gather some feedback on my initial ideas from my peers as I thought it could give me a bit of direction. They were interested to know about the new Snap Pack idea and they thought my idea was good. They thought that the launch campaign was a good idea and they suggested posters would be the best thing for it.

My idea was to have it as a digital campaign only to go along with the sustainability aspect of my essay, it would be paperless so that it is environmentally friendly. 

It was suggested to me that I look at the launch of their limited edition packaging called 
The København Collection. Where Carlsberg used simple patterns.  

Further feedback I got was to stay away from the generic sustainability/recycling aesthetic as it could become cringe and boring for consumers. 

It was also suggested to me that if i want my design to be a success and fit in with the rest of cans then have a subtle indication of sustainability and also try to stay along with the lad culture vibe. 

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