Tuesday 27 November 2018

Paragraphs could include from further reading

X1 - In recent decades the importance of the natural environment as a determinant of corporate marketing activities has increased significantly. We are witnessing a gradual escalation in environmental threats, but also a growing concern for the environment. The problems of refuse and packaging waste, environmental degradation as a result of unreasonable human activity, the plundering of the Earth’s resources, as well as the effects of global warming are increasingly evident which is why sustainability has a big role to play for all involved.

X1 - Many people have noticed, in the current state of today there is growing sensitivity of consumers to social issues, reflected by their interest in environmental concerns, much like the use of sustainable packaging.

1 - Scientists are releasing increasingly frightening evidence showing rising sea levels, rocketing carbon footprint and hotter summers, there needs to be something done about this. There needs to be a bigger focus on sustainability and the whole life cycle of a product that will not further harm the environment. LIFE CYCLE WHAT IS IT

2 - Sustainability is more than just a shrewd business move that companies can promote on their websites and in their marketing literature, among other avenues. It is an important issue for all of us as human being and stewards of this world -- it’s the only one we've got.  – consumers social responsbility

2.1 - Consumer interest towards social responsibility has majorly increased, social responsibility as a whole is starting to take a significant role in consumer attitudes and behaviours when purchasing a product. Even small social responsibility acts such as giving a re-usable or recycled bag at the checkout has a big effect on the consumer. DEFINE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY

2 – Millennia’s have a higher regard for the state of the planet means a company’s social responsibility is impacting purchasing decisions at an unprecedented level. These evolving demographics are changing the way brands produce and market for consumers, driving new packaging innovations that serve lifestyles dominated by smartphones, social media and a need to express environmental awareness. They lean towards sustainable concepts like refillable packaging, recycled materials and reduced packaging. Packaging that draws on these habits will be a natural fit. Fixed processes will be uprooted and packagers must learn to be flexible, act fast and offer more options than ever, while acting in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.” SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - RECONTUER
2 - Consumer attitudes towards the environment have implications on packaging, thus having impact on the company and designer, they are all interlinked. Deciding who should have responsibility for the problems related to packaging and the environment is not taken lightly, to understand this further we will need to look into corporate social responsibility, consumer behaviour, social responsibility and the designers responsibility.


4.- Consumer-led design in sustainable packaging has key issues with aspects like class. Consumer-led design can be associated with affluence and accomplished individualism in which products are appealing explicitly to an individual where this individual is valued and appreciated due to their wealth or social structure. Reference ***. Thus cutting off a large sector of the society because aspects such as sustainability are not targeting them thus not giving them power in the marketplace.

4 - Increasing pressures for products that are sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour are starting to have an impact by reshaping the packaging industry.

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