Tuesday 27 November 2018

Paragraphs could include from further reading

X1 - In recent decades the importance of the natural environment as a determinant of corporate marketing activities has increased significantly. We are witnessing a gradual escalation in environmental threats, but also a growing concern for the environment. The problems of refuse and packaging waste, environmental degradation as a result of unreasonable human activity, the plundering of the Earth’s resources, as well as the effects of global warming are increasingly evident which is why sustainability has a big role to play for all involved.

X1 - Many people have noticed, in the current state of today there is growing sensitivity of consumers to social issues, reflected by their interest in environmental concerns, much like the use of sustainable packaging.

1 - Scientists are releasing increasingly frightening evidence showing rising sea levels, rocketing carbon footprint and hotter summers, there needs to be something done about this. There needs to be a bigger focus on sustainability and the whole life cycle of a product that will not further harm the environment. LIFE CYCLE WHAT IS IT

2 - Sustainability is more than just a shrewd business move that companies can promote on their websites and in their marketing literature, among other avenues. It is an important issue for all of us as human being and stewards of this world -- it’s the only one we've got.  – consumers social responsbility

2.1 - Consumer interest towards social responsibility has majorly increased, social responsibility as a whole is starting to take a significant role in consumer attitudes and behaviours when purchasing a product. Even small social responsibility acts such as giving a re-usable or recycled bag at the checkout has a big effect on the consumer. DEFINE SOCIAL RESPONSBILITY

2 – Millennia’s have a higher regard for the state of the planet means a company’s social responsibility is impacting purchasing decisions at an unprecedented level. These evolving demographics are changing the way brands produce and market for consumers, driving new packaging innovations that serve lifestyles dominated by smartphones, social media and a need to express environmental awareness. They lean towards sustainable concepts like refillable packaging, recycled materials and reduced packaging. Packaging that draws on these habits will be a natural fit. Fixed processes will be uprooted and packagers must learn to be flexible, act fast and offer more options than ever, while acting in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.” SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - RECONTUER
2 - Consumer attitudes towards the environment have implications on packaging, thus having impact on the company and designer, they are all interlinked. Deciding who should have responsibility for the problems related to packaging and the environment is not taken lightly, to understand this further we will need to look into corporate social responsibility, consumer behaviour, social responsibility and the designers responsibility.


4.- Consumer-led design in sustainable packaging has key issues with aspects like class. Consumer-led design can be associated with affluence and accomplished individualism in which products are appealing explicitly to an individual where this individual is valued and appreciated due to their wealth or social structure. Reference ***. Thus cutting off a large sector of the society because aspects such as sustainability are not targeting them thus not giving them power in the marketplace.

4 - Increasing pressures for products that are sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour are starting to have an impact by reshaping the packaging industry.

Monday 26 November 2018


The plastics conspiracy: who is to blame for the waste crisis?– PODCAST

50 years ago was when we first realised the scale of plastic production and the impact that had on the environment. When ad campaigns first arose some environmental groups starting to question the message, saying that the campaigns were wrongly accusing the consumer rather than the manufacturers that were churning out the plastic. They said it was an industry front working to divert attention from the real issues. – 2 relationship

People started pollution so people can stop it

Stephen Buranyi –
-       Prior to 1950 reusable packaging had a 96% return rate, 1970 5% showing a massive cultural shift, throw away culture 3
-       Parliament plastic has been brought up 271 times, 4x more than last year.  2 - responsibility

Matthew Taylor –
-       At the same time as the plastic problem we have this whole industry increasing plastic production, it will increase the plastic pollution over next decade by 40%, pretty drastic amount of plastic.
-       In 80’s industries were putting responsibility on consumer much like the same today – 2 relationship
-       Recycling and reusing - the circular economy, reusing the stuff we have is the future. We need to find a way to use plastic in a sensible and sustainable way – 3 reduce
-       As a consumer we need to work out a way of not being so dependant on the core of the problem, with the local community ask you politicians if they can change the way we use – be active to meet the challenge that we are facing – all about collective action (protesting) – 2 relationship

Steve Russell –
-       Industry has targets for reducing plastic waste by ‘designing new products and materials, developing innovative technologies and implementing new business models’

George Monbiot –
-       Its’ only when you show you put your liberty on the line that other people will take the issue seriously
-       Most forms of protest remain within the law but not sure if it is appropriate anymore as the government aren’t looking after us
-       What we are facing at the moment is a complete institutional failure to respond to the crisis at hand, environmental break down driven by corporate capitalist model which is not suited to the preservation of the worlds living systems – 1 talk about crisis first

-       Facing this huge crisis and we are only seeing ourselves as fundamentally powerless and as consumers which is a mind-set we need to break and respond in a way that matches the crisis which is a highly political response – 1 then leads on to 2 responsibility, to understand whos responsible we first need to address the realtionships

Sunday 25 November 2018

Crit on Initial Ideas

I decided to gather some feedback on my initial ideas from my peers as I thought it could give me a bit of direction. They were interested to know about the new Snap Pack idea and they thought my idea was good. They thought that the launch campaign was a good idea and they suggested posters would be the best thing for it.

My idea was to have it as a digital campaign only to go along with the sustainability aspect of my essay, it would be paperless so that it is environmentally friendly. 

It was suggested to me that I look at the launch of their limited edition packaging called 
The København Collection. Where Carlsberg used simple patterns.  

Further feedback I got was to stay away from the generic sustainability/recycling aesthetic as it could become cringe and boring for consumers. 

It was also suggested to me that if i want my design to be a success and fit in with the rest of cans then have a subtle indication of sustainability and also try to stay along with the lad culture vibe. 

Thursday 22 November 2018

URLS been looking at



































Tuesday 20 November 2018

Initial Ideas

Based on visual research I have decided to produce a poster campaign for Carlsberg's new Snap Pack cans. For my design work, I will be thinking about the designer's responsibility and where I as the designer sits in the responsibility. 

The designer can be responsible for the communication of the product to the audience (the consumer).

Alongside the campaign, I will be creating a re-brand for Carlsberg's already sustainable product idea of the recyclable glue. I want to communicate the life cycle of the product - it starts with the company (having the sustainable idea for the product) then goes to the designer to create the package and brand it well then turns to the consumer at the end of the life cycle to recycle the package. 

I as the designer need to be able to communicate the life cycle of the product to the audience. To do this I will have to show the consumer that it is their responsibility to recycle the product. I will do this through the campaign posters, whilst maintaining an aesthetically pleasing piece of design and a powerful piece of communication.

This relates to my essay as the responsibility is fair as long as all parties adhere to all their responsibility then it is fair. I could say in my campaign that it is fair if the consumer recycles for them. The responsibility needs to be taken on and shared down the line.

I will act as the middleman between the company and the consumer for this brief. As the designer helps the company and the consumer meet their needs.

Need to communicate that the company is taking responsibility by using the recyclable glue. I wil be synthesising the idea of the responsibility Carlsberg have come up with a sustainable solution and tell the consumer to recycle them. 

Monday 19 November 2018

Identifying the problem for practical

 Looking at my case studies there were two that stood out to me. The Saltwater edible six pack ring and Carlsberg recyclable glue. These were both new solutions where the companies were taking responsibility for their products by creating packaging that is less harmful for the environment. Showing they are thinking of the whole life cycle of the products.

From my case studies I noticed that Saltwater Brewery have a new solution to sustainable packaging design that goes hand in hand with their brand. Their new solution combats the issues towards the plastic six pack rings that are so common in our world today.

The issues relate to both marine life and the environment however their collaboration with a New York based design company called We Believers have made an outcome that is creative by using the barley and wheat ribbon from the brewing process – thus showing that they are working towards a circular economy they are aiming to elongate the life span of resources, extracting the maximum value from them while in use. Looking at the branding their can design is a fish which is representing what their packaging for. They are putting the idea in the head of the consumer through the design of the can.

However, for Carlsberg are not really showing the benefits of this better and new solution to sustainable packaging. Carlsberg have replaced plastic ring can holders with recyclable glue reducing the plastic waste they create by up to 76%. They have named it ‘Snap Pack’ utilizing technology to glue its cans together instead of using the plastic ring holders. The substance used on snap packs does not affect the aluminum recycling process in any way thus meaning it can be recycled along with the cans.

As company they are already being sustainable and environmentally friendly thus showing they have taken their share of the responsibility. The problem is that they are not communicating the benefits of the glue they are using and how they are being responsible. Not only that but the cans don’t clearly communicate what the consumer should do with them after their use (recycle).