Saturday 15 April 2017

Idea Generation / Prototypes Study Task 6

In order to develop my intial ideas based uponhand printing methods. I also wanted to incorporate my piece to have meaning behind it and put a message across.  I decided to go with a poster which tries to grab the viewers attention. The best way for me to do this to attract my audience is to focus on the big bold text and have the right amount of white space around it whilst still getting the viewer to look at the poster to recieve the meaning that is coming through the poster. 

On top of this I also chose to look at colours and how that effects the way the poster looks and how it impacts on the message and the viewer. When making these 3 initial ideas I wanted to focus on colour that are opposite on the colour wheel as it is suggested that they grab more attention. I personally believe that when looking at the 3 coloured designs that they distract away from the writing rather than drawing attention to it.

I chose to keep the designs quite simple by leaving out an image and just having it as the texts, I think that it keeps the viewers attention to the meaning of the poster rather than just looking at the picture that is behind it. Keeping it to just type it effectively demonstrates the approach that I am going for.

I pitched the idea of a poster or a poster series that feature quotes that have meaning behind them.

I recieved some useful feedback that I then used to aid my project further. The feedback I recieved was that I could use famous quotes which I could then refine to a certain area for example technological quote like steve jobs “innovation distingushies between a leader and a follower”.  Another suggestion I got was that I could use the quotes from my essay or I could make up quotes in a way that portrays a messsage. 

In relation to my sketches shown here, they have helped me visualise my ideas which I’ve developed and taken further since this point, which can be seen in my prototypes and development stages. 

My problem that needed solving was how print can be used and appriciated today. The solution to my problem was to create a series of posters that was most applicable to my audience. For these ideas I was thinking of the younger generations, those who have just learnt about print methods and want to try new things so I looked into colours that work together and the space around the text. When researching into the colour I thought it was best to look back on Burrill’s work to see what colours he put with other colours to see if I liked the look of them. For the text of my posters I went with quotes from my essays to reinforce my project as a whole.

By doing this I think that it has impacted on the meaning of what the type is trying to tell the viewer. However saying this I like the way the black writing looks on top of the warm orange. I like the orange of this poster due the fact that when I looked at all these prototypes together my eye was drawn to the orange one which means that it must be the one that stands out the most. However unlike my original ideas for the use of colour it does not completley draw your attention from the type that is there at present.

For these prototypes I also looked at teo different fonts. I used Impact as the heading font and futura of the smaller fonts. I wanted to see if you could spot the different fonts when looking at them and which looked the best. I think that the kerning of Impact is a bit too close together which makes it harder to read.  

I asked some peers about what they thought about these so far and the response was similar to mine however some thought having so many different colours doesnt really tie the whole project together as one and it looks a bit overwhelming and unproffessional.  

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