Sunday 23 April 2017

End of Module Evauation

Throughout this year I think my researching skills and how those skills are used has improved. Before this year I only ever used the internet to do my reading and research, however since branching out I believe it has better informed my design process and the decisions I make after. For our first essay we were set one task was to look into books, journals and articles. I think this helped me get the ball rolling rather than going straight to the internet. Thus showing me that the internet is not always the best source.

I think my writing style still needs improvement however I have learnt how to reference correctly in my essays as well as using text to base my writing off. I haven't done this before so I found it difficult to do. I have never been good at writing essays but I feel like I am slowly improving. However if I was going to do this whole process again I would ask for more help and give in as many drafts as possible. One of my biggest weaknesses is that I rarely proof read which can make the difference from a 2.2 and a 2.1. This year has taught me that I will need to get on top of that because what we learn in this year from the lecture series we could go back on and use in 2nd or 3rd year. 

In regards to my practical work I believe that it is relevant to what I was doing and it was so much fun and interesting to learn more about the handmade print methods as it has always been something I have been fascinated about. I learnt they take more time than you expect and things can go wrong! I don't think however that I have challenged myself enough but hopefully with my ISSUU presentation it will get me off to a good start for the second year. 

For the second year I need to remember a couple of things; manage your time better so that you can be more effective and up to date on your work. Keep on doing drafts of essays and go to the lectures - they serve a purpose! 

Overall I'm satisfied with the work I've produced for this module but I could benefit from better organisation skills so that I receive all the feedback that I can get to strengthen my arguments in my forthcoming essays.

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