Friday 21 April 2017

Feedback / further developments Study task 7

I then decided to take the advice of my peers and look more at the posters as if they were a series and how I can make them look like one withot it looking taccy and unproffesional.  I definately prefer the look of the black on one bold colour as it gives it more class. However in general I do not believe that these posters are finished.

I could improve them by getting the correct amount of space around the text so that the text doesn’t just look like it is either floating or that it is out of space.

At this stage in my developments I have gone back to black and white because I believe that the colour is a bit more suitable for the younger generation however for it to be put across as the people who appriciate print that could be more vast but they could be a minority. Due to this fact and the aesthetics and meaning of my project I believe the best design decsision for this project was to strip it back to black and white, which is still striking, and let the quotes talk for themselves.

Due to striping the posters back I thought it would be best to revisit the fonts to doube check that futura was my favourite.  I looked through multiple different fonts, out of the majority of them these three were my favourite. Futura, Impacts and  Rockwell Extra Bold. Again I went back to my peers to see what they thought, much like me the majoirty of my peers liked the way that Futura looked with all of the type, it didn’t look out of place and it was the best for this job.

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