Sunday 4 March 2018


Above is showing my poster development for the exhibition, it was said in a crit prior to this development that my ideas were too broad and i needed to make it smaller in order to have a good idea and final outcome. To do this I focused on one of Jamie Reid pieces and decided to use the colour scheme from this in order to have a strong aspect related to Reid (fig 1). I chose this piece because of the bold colours and typeface that would be recognisably something that he would use.

Alongside this I decided to use a type similar to Reid’s most well-known typeface used in his work he did for the Sex Pistols as the exhibition is based on his work. The reason I chose this piece is because I wanted my designs to be simple and minimalistic I wanted a strong typeface and colour scheme to counteract the minimalism.

After showing my initial developments to a few of my peers it was said that i should definitely stick to a minimalistic and simple idea to not overcrowd the page and also to keep the mystery in order to allow the general public hold the responsibility. I decided to use simple shapes and differ them slightly as I have chosen to include a spot the difference as that is a simpler version which is fun to catch the eye of the public whilst relating to my exhibition.

I decided to leave the designs simple so they can interpreted different to different people much like the ideas of authorship and appropriation. Another reason for keeping the designs minimalistic is so that people are intrigued and visit the exhibition without gathering too much information from the poster.

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