Friday 24 November 2017


- Doesn't like pastiche - has no substance to it and is embedded within intertextuality 
- Intertextuality; using this to refer to the relevance of signs and symbols, images, rather than what they represent

- Uses parody in relation to pastiche
- Likes parody but not pastiche 
- Parody has satire, laughter and conviction
- Simulacrum - an image of someone or something

- Parody / Pastiche is from a representation of the past as a mode of communication. Pastiche is a negative opinion
- nostalgia - the representation of the past is not accurate, it is based on stereotypes of wat we interpret them to be at the time in order to convey the time period e.g. Peaky Blinders (creates effect of nostalgia based on the objects and artefacts that you associate with that time
- cultural production - images, text, film and music become embedded within capitalist production and are thus subject to exhannge value, however when you do this you are disabling the actual value of these things.
- Linda Hutches used parody whereas Jamerson uses pastiche
- Hutches is a very persoal interpretation which has criticism and not generally objective this contradicts Jamersons opinion of parody and pastiche
- postmodernism is much more open to self criticality
- postmodernism is good as it looks to constantly criticise the idea that real history isn't real
- jamersons idea of real history doesn;t actually exist it is just interpretations of events

In conclusion the mode of representation of pastiche/parody revolves around looking to history and how this informs design today. Looking at connections within 'original' history and its representations in the modern day. 
Drawing on symbols and signs of history for own purpose. Jonathan Barnbrook is a post-modernism graphic designer who references history within his work looks at past styles to inform and inspire the work he does today

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