Thursday 9 November 2017

COP LECTURE - what is research

Praxis -Integration of theory, research and action. Initial research allows for the progression to practical ideas, development, theoretical/content development. This lead onto practical and written response which come together to form a praxis.

Stimulated approach -
 a conscious or subconscious search for inspiration from an external repertoire: in the surroundings, media, in discussion, libraries etc. The main concern here is the development of analogies and associative approaches which as further developed into individual solutions.

Systematic approach - based on systematic collective and modification of the components, characteristics and means of expression: such as by structure and restructuring, enlarging and reducing. Dismantle and deconstruct to see how an idea works. 

Intuitive Approach - development of thought process, internal repertoire of what you know creating your own practise.

Research is the process of finding facts. These facts will lead to knowledge. Research is done by understanding what is already known. Innovative ideas come out of research which involves collecting information from a range of sources. Research is the process of finding facts. these facts will lead to knowledge. 

'Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought'  Albert Szent-Gyorgyi 

Primary Research - developed or collected for a specific end use, you do and has never exists before. Data doest exist yet.

Secondary Research - published or recorded data that have already been collected for some other purpose. 
Analyse research to draw analogies to your project.

Quantitive research - deals with facts, figure and measurements and produces data which can be readily analysed. Quantitive research also generates numerical data or data that can be converted into numbers as it is objective as is can be proven. 

Qualitative Research - way to study people or systems by interacting and observing the subject meaning its not tangible/not necessarily provable.

'Research is formalised curiosity. it is poking and prying with a purpose' - Zora Neale Hurston

Purpose - initial research question
Paradigm - refined research question
Design Frame - Methods and techniques
COP is based on what you need to know and what you want to know 

Analysis - identify a problem, what needs doing, what already exists etc. 
Research - ideas that occur from research, what happens when you try certain things 
Evaluation - which outcome successfully fulfils the brief, meets clients needs. 
Solution - what you want to do, is it feasible, cost effective, where to start

- Philosophical analysis of what is or can be known, analysis of facts, properties and processes that form knowledge. 
- Conceptualisation or categorisation of existing knowledge and what can be known. 

- Philosophical analysis of the scope and nature of knowledge and how we can know something. 

- a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.

Approaches: case study, active theory, experimental 
Data: primary, secondary, quantitative, qualitative 
Techniques: research, tools 

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