Monday 22 October 2018

Applying theory

Meaning: Words and Images

Intro: outlines what plans to discuss, introduces sources, 
Explains what different aspects of semiotic analysis. 
Relates sources back to graphic communication 
Explores different levels of meaning, how relates to graphic design based on sources used 
Discusses theory, relates to imagery and analyses 
Conclusion: pulls elements together, summarise 

Media as Manipulation: Marxism and Ideology

More complex ways ideology imbeds its-self into mass communication 
knowledge is generated and develops with time
Discusses knowledge and theory first and then introduces case study
Uses many sources to showcase point and explain
Looks at multiple approaches, cultural and political economy to explore theory further
Arguments and criticisms: draw out debate if there's conflicting opinions within a theory, acknowledge debates within a theory.

Journal Article 
Exploring the First Momentary Unboxing, Experience with Aesthetic Interaction 

Explores the process of unboxing, enjoyable nature of the process. 
How does this influence packaging/design. 
Aesthetic interaction - combines theory and design. 
Takes a theory and develop ideas to produce various packaging outcomes. 

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