Tuesday 30 October 2018

Textual analysis

Representations isn't just who's reading but the interaction between reader and writer.
Visual grammar is the conventions of how things are communicated within a particular context, help analyse how effective visual communication is.

Monday 22 October 2018

Applying theory

Meaning: Words and Images

Intro: outlines what plans to discuss, introduces sources, 
Explains what different aspects of semiotic analysis. 
Relates sources back to graphic communication 
Explores different levels of meaning, how relates to graphic design based on sources used 
Discusses theory, relates to imagery and analyses 
Conclusion: pulls elements together, summarise 

Media as Manipulation: Marxism and Ideology

More complex ways ideology imbeds its-self into mass communication 
knowledge is generated and develops with time
Discusses knowledge and theory first and then introduces case study
Uses many sources to showcase point and explain
Looks at multiple approaches, cultural and political economy to explore theory further
Arguments and criticisms: draw out debate if there's conflicting opinions within a theory, acknowledge debates within a theory.

Journal Article 
Exploring the First Momentary Unboxing, Experience with Aesthetic Interaction 

Explores the process of unboxing, enjoyable nature of the process. 
How does this influence packaging/design. 
Aesthetic interaction - combines theory and design. 
Takes a theory and develop ideas to produce various packaging outcomes. 

Saturday 20 October 2018

Initial presentation and feedback

Above is my Presentation I did to my group with my initial ideas.


Slide 2 - With this thought, there were 2 main themes to start with 1 sustainability and 2 packaging design

Slide 3 - Started off v broad research packaging as a whole after a bit of research decided to look at just food packaging
Forcing companies to find new ways to be sustainable and keep up with the crowd

Slide 4 - The global manufacturer of plastic has increased exponentially over recent decades. According to the united nations, the volume increased from 1.5 mil of plastic in 1950, up to 300 million tons of plastic in 2016. if we arent careful the amount of plastic waste infiltrating the natural landscape will exceed 12 billion tons by 2050. End product paper for labels  - needs to be sustainably sourced avoiding deforestation etc.

Rest of the slides just talk about!


Thursday 11 October 2018

Initial Book Reading

Title: The handbook of design for sustainability. Author: Walker, Stuart; Giard, Jacques 

Sustainability has emerged as a central issue for contemporary societies and for the world community as a whole. Furthermore, many of the social and environmental concerns that are embodied in the term 'sustainability' are directly or indirectly related to design. Designers help to define our human made environment - how it is produced, how it is used, and how long it endures. Despite some forty years of development and increased awareness of the critical relationships that exist between design decisions and modes of production, energy use, environmental impacts, the nature of work and human exploitation, design for sustainability is still not widely understood or followed. The Handbook of Design for Sustainability presents a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of this crucial subject - its development, its methods, its practices and its potential futures.

Bringing together leading international scholars and new researchers to provide a substantive insight into the latest thinking and research within the field, The Handbook covers a breadth of historical and theoretical understandings and includes a series of original essays that explore methods and approaches for designers and design educators.

The Handbook presents the first systematic overview of the subject that, in addition to methods and examples, includes historical perspectives, philosophical approaches, business analyses, educational insights and emerging thinking. It is an invaluable resource for design researchers and students as well as design practitioners and private and public sector organizations wishing to develop more sustainable directions.

Title: Green design. Author: Poole, Buzz (ed.) 

 This book is about design and the responsible consumerism, it highlights products whose production, use, and disassembly adhere to standards of environmental sustainability. Artfully conceived color photographs are accompanied by seven essays from design journalists.

Title: Green packaging solutions. Author: Abellan, Miquel 

I got this book out to see if it could give me any ideas for my practical. Below are 3 that I loved because of their design and the sustainability, how they are helping the consumer aswell as themselves.

Title: Print and production finishes for sustainable design. Author: Denison, Edward 

this book was the other one I got out to inform my practical decision. Below are another 3 I like from this one. 

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Initial Website Reading

Initially I started to look at some websites that I thought I could refer to for my essay. My initial question was 'What effects do issues surrounding sustainability have on packaging design?'. I looked at websites referring to sustainability and package design to get some initial and background information. I realised there were 2 key themes as shown above. 

Reading through the information on the website I noted down the important points that I could refer back to for my essay.