Thursday 12 October 2017



1. Focus on a specific graphic design discipline
2. The question must be open ended.
3. The question must allow for suitable theoretical research as well as visual exploration.
4. Position your research within contemporary graphic design practice - make it work for you.
5. Do some quick preliminary research to gauge how much literature is currently the same to explore what is currently happening within the industry.
6. Consider what primary research methods could be used to support your research.

COP1 = I really enjoyed learning about the handmade print methods as it has something that I have always been interested in and find intriguing. So I think this is something that I could take further in my second year. However handmade print methods is quite a large area to cover so I would need to narrow down the subject area first in order to find a suitable question for my essay to be on. 

Possible question ideas :
Why is printmaking important in our culture and time?
Is the commercial aspect of printmaking an important cultural consideration?

Below I did some quick preliminary research, which shoed me that there were multiple articles and literature that is available related to my subject.

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