Saturday 18 March 2017


Postmodernism is a reaction to modern life, technology, new materials and communication. The origins of postmodernism -->
• 1917 - German writer Rudolph Pannwitz, spoke of ‘nihilistic, amoral, postmodern men’ 
• 1964 - Leslie Fielder described a ‘post’ culture, which rejected the elitist values of Modern Culture

Uses of the term 'postmodernism' -->
• after modernism 
• the historical era following the modern 
• contra modernism 
• equivalent to ‘late capitalism’(Jameson) 
• artistic and stylistic eclecticism 
• ‘global village’ phenomena: globalization of cultures, races, images, capital, products

• Postmodernism has an attitude of questioning conventions (especially those set out by Modernism) 
• Postmodern aesthetic = multiplicity of styles & approaches 
• Space for ‘new voices’
• Postmodernism is a reaction to these rules 
• Postmodernism starts as a critique of the International Style – Robert Venturi, Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 – Ideas developed by Charles Jencks, 1977 • Postmodernism's only rule is that there are no rules 
• Postmodernism celebrates what might otherwise be termed kitsch

There is something at the core of Postmodernism, it is a time period. Charles Jencks says modernism died 1972 which is also when Postmodernism began. Symbolised by the destruction of Igeo development in St Louis, 1977. Instead of solving a social problem, it creates one. Modernism is dying because it was bored from the start, revel in the destruction of dream. Postmodernism is about criticising cultural authority and finding ways in which to solve stuff not just following the one path. Postmodernism is looking like a neutral style and is criticism of rules, the only rule is there is no rule. Park Hill Flats in Sheffield added colour and so is no longer a "slum". Roy Lichtenstein creates massive screen prints in which are high end art. High end art and low end art divide is beginning to crumble. Andy Warhol is the ultimate figure of Postmodernism, the opposite of the modernist figure, a self professed to having no talent - anyone can be famous, just a constitution.

J-F Lyotard ‘The Postmodern Condition’ 1979 

• ‘Incredulity towards metanarratives’ 
• Metanarratives = totalising belief systems 
• Result – Crisis in confidence

Postmodernism is the opposite to modernism. It was initially born out of optimism, an aspirational reaction to WW1. It is about progress, celebrating the new and not thinking that new inventions would improve the world. Modernism is function is first and beauty if second, it is a blind obedience that loses something. Whilst Postmodernism is more about form over function, stripping back everything. Postmodernism is the opposite to whatever the characteristics of modernism is. 

- Postmodernism - Modernism attitude of questioning conventions (esp. Modernism) 
Postmodernism - Modernism  aesthetic = multiplicity of styles & approaches 
- Shift in thought & theory investigating ‘crisis in confidence’ Eg. Lyotard 

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