Saturday 5 November 2016

Chronologies: Type- Production & Distribution 2

Typography is a language which has developed from oral communication to visual communication in the form of type. Over time designers have no set approach to the publication of typography as many rules and ideas have been created, but the most interesting and noticeable work is that when the rules and expectations of design are broken. 

"typography is a communication method that utilises a gathering or related subjects and methodologies that includes sociology, linguistics, psychology, aesthetics" - Shelly Gruendler

Typography is a language that has developed from oral communication to visual communication in the form of type. Brief timeline -->

In 1919 Bauhaus allowed for a new connection between new technology to happen which made different disciplines coming together to create new and exciting ideas, trends on of which form follow function which is still popular today. This meant that what an object was supposed to do drove the design outcome. Thus resulting in a minimal approach to design. 
In 1957 Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann created Helvetica which quickly became the typeface of the Swiss Style movement. This was due to the simplicity and neutral nature of the type. Helvetica was a hugely influential typeface. 25 years after Helvetica was released Microsoft released Arial which was only a slight variation of Helvetica. 
in 1977 Jamie Reid introduced the visual culture of punk which went against the grid systems and rules of typography. 
In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee founded the world wide web and gave it away for free which created a way of communicating without paper allowing for the democratisation of distribution and design. 
In 1995 Bill Gates wanted to make money from the world wide web so he introduced internet explorer which laid the foundations for template based layout. It restricted design due to the fact of only having 8 fonts and only a certain amount of templates.
In 1992 Daid Carson had a modernist approach to redefining typography. He undermined the grid and saw how that reflected upon subcultures within the music scenes of America. His iddeas were based on heritage that dates back to Bauhaus -  resulting in aesthetic evolution.

Technology is positively impacting on the design world and how designers distribute thei ideas, however it also has negative impacts. It has negatively impacted the way in which we have long conversations which are often needed. The web dooesn't allow for these so  shorter and more consise versions of the long conversations are uploaded. Thus affecting how people view and engage with the text that we are communicating by. 

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