Wednesday 12 October 2016

Visual Literacy

Visual Literacy

As designer we are told to communicate through type and image. To communicate these ideas effectively they need to portray the message to a variety of audiences. The process of visual communication is the sending and receiving of messages using image and type. 

Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, negotiate and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image. The interpretation needs to be effective when communication a message to an audience. 

Visual communication - receiving and sending messages using type and images, based on shared understanding of signs, symbols, gestures and objects. Affected by audience, context, media of distribution.

Visual Literacy - Creating meaning out of visual images and type. Interpreting present/past images and range of cultures, producing images to communicate message. The idea that pictures can be read.

Visual syntax - Refers to the visual composition of elements in an image referring to: framing, scale, colour, font, stroke, weight, shape, composition, layout

Visual semantics - Semantics of an image refers to the way an image fits into a cultural process of communication including: cultural references, social ideals, religious beliefs, political ideas, social interaction, individual experience

Semiotics - The study of signs and symbols without the use of type

Visual synecdoche - When part of an image is used to represent the whole or a much larger object.

Visual Metonym - Symbolic image used to make reference to something with a more literal meaning.

Visual Metaphor - Used to transfer the meaning of one image to another or to represent another - New York, the big apple

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