Thursday 27 October 2016

Research Sources Study Task 1

CoP Theme: Technology
Search terms/key words: 
Analogue techniques, 
passing trend,
digital age, 
LCA Library

Hand + made: the performative impulse in art and craft. 

 /  Oliver, Valerie Cassel ,  Adamson, Glenn  &  Wiggers, Namita Gupta  (2010)


Handwritten: expressive lettering in the digital age.  /  Ilic, Merko  &  Heller, Steven  (2004)


Geometrix: new trends in graphic design.  /  Sandu Publishing Co.  (2012)

Google Books (preview)

Fingerprint No. 2: The Evolution of Handmade Elements in Graphic Design


Meggs' History of Graphic Design


The New Handmade Graphics: Beyond Digital Design

Google Scholar

Graphic design: A new history

Digital style history: the development of graphic design on the internet.  




Designing Graphic Design History

The Evolution of American Typography (1990)


Graphic Design: Fine Art or Social Science?

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Chosen Quote

Technology quote 1

Erik Spiekermann - Interview in Creative Characters Dec 2014
   'What I find very interesting is the movement of people who are savvy in digital design but are genuinely interested in analog techniques. It is now more than a passing trend; there must be a deeper motive why we are newly interested in the hand-made and the haptic, material and three-dimensional aspects of type and design.'

Words within the quote that could be useful

Passing trend –->  A thing  that used to be popular for a while, but has faded away and is not as popular, was only popular for a small amount of time

Savvy --> well informed individual

Analog techniques --> technique with a physical property - done by hand for example

Trend --> a general direction in which something is going towards

Haptic - relating to the sense of touch, in particular relating to the perception and manipulation of objects using the senses of touch and proprioception

I decided to choose this quote because I think the handmade process has changed hugely from when it was first introduced which is something that interests me greatly.

20,000 Year Non-Linear History of the Image

Throughout this lecture we were exploring the power of the image through time. We started off by looking at the cave paintings in Lascaux Caves, France. These were the first recorded medium of visual communication and imagery. They were believed to be there to not just record everyday activities but to try and communicate with a higher power. This showed the power of visual imagery as people in the modern world are try to work out what the drawing actually mean and who they were trying to communicate with.

Even now some contemporary artists like Jackson Pollock and Cy  display similar use of mark making as the Cave painting.
Jackson Pollock
cave painting

cy twombly

These three pieces of art in my eyes have very similar markings which shows to me that artists today are also attempting to communicate with power. Artists such as Pollock and Twombly are creating these pieces with a visual message behind it and expressing their thoughts and feeling to communicate with the audience and get their attention. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Visual Literacy

Visual Literacy

As designer we are told to communicate through type and image. To communicate these ideas effectively they need to portray the message to a variety of audiences. The process of visual communication is the sending and receiving of messages using image and type. 

Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, negotiate and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image. The interpretation needs to be effective when communication a message to an audience. 

Visual communication - receiving and sending messages using type and images, based on shared understanding of signs, symbols, gestures and objects. Affected by audience, context, media of distribution.

Visual Literacy - Creating meaning out of visual images and type. Interpreting present/past images and range of cultures, producing images to communicate message. The idea that pictures can be read.

Visual syntax - Refers to the visual composition of elements in an image referring to: framing, scale, colour, font, stroke, weight, shape, composition, layout

Visual semantics - Semantics of an image refers to the way an image fits into a cultural process of communication including: cultural references, social ideals, religious beliefs, political ideas, social interaction, individual experience

Semiotics - The study of signs and symbols without the use of type

Visual synecdoche - When part of an image is used to represent the whole or a much larger object.

Visual Metonym - Symbolic image used to make reference to something with a more literal meaning.

Visual Metaphor - Used to transfer the meaning of one image to another or to represent another - New York, the big apple